Real Time PDA Line Chart Via Serial Port In C#

I need someone to program me a chart that will display an ECG on a pda. I want the programming language used to be C#, this is important because last time i posted this it was done in c++ but that was my fault since i didn’t mention it here!

This how the serial port should be read
high = System.Convert.ToUInt16(serialPort.ReadByte() << 8);
low = System.Convert.ToUInt16(serialPort.ReadByte());

data = Convert.ToInt16(high + low);

what basically needs to be done is reading the serial port constantly because there will be new data every second and represent it on a chart. this is the equation of the point that will be added ((float)counter1, (float)(data * 2.5 / 4096.0 – 0.696)); where counter1 is the time unit as time passes represented on x-axis. read more